Halfway done with the pregnancy and let me tell you it goes by pretty fast. Sometimes it seems really fast and sometimes it seems like forever. Still I can't wait to see this little one's cute face. Todd and I are so excited to finally figure out that we are having a baby GIRL!!! Cali Gail Coleman :-) I can't wait to spoil this little one and put her in cute clothes and tons of bows. Don't worry she will also be doing all the sports and I am sure daddy will have her in the water within the first month or so haha. Also he can't wait to take her surfing, snowboarding and skateboarding with him. Lets just say that he is ok with a girl being first his little boy will just have to come a little later.
For those of you who have been wondering I have been feeling so much better now. I finally started to feel really good around 17-18 weeks being pregnant. My appetite is back in full force and I have so much more energy and I am finally loving being pregnant. I know some of you have been asking for a belly picture and I will be posting one soon. Just waiting for the belly to get a little bigger :-)