Friday, August 12, 2011

Birth Story

Thursday Night June 23rd 2011... It all started when Todd and I went to my parents house that night to go swimming and because it was summer time I wanted to float around and just relax. While I was at my parent's house I started to have mini contractions they were hurting but they were not very consistent so I didn't worry to much about them. Todd went off to play basketball at the church and I stayed behind with my mom because I didn't want to go home by myself especially since I was not feeling well. Well the contractions started coming a lot faster and more strong so we started timing them. Note I was only 38 weeks and 6 days along and every says your first baby doesn't come early..oh how wrong people are :-) By the time Todd came and picked me up it was midnight and I was hurting but I still didn't think that it was anything serious and of course I didn't want to get my hopes up that she was coming. So Todd and I were up all night with these contractions and he was doing everything possible to help me, well finally at 6 in the morning I couldn't take it anymore and I told Todd we needed to go to the hospital. When we got there and they checked me they said that I was in labor but my contractions were not strong enough and I was only dilated to a 2 so they sent me home and I was so crushed because I thought it was time and I was in terrible pain.
So we got home and called my mom to tell her false alarm so she left for the beach for the weekend because she didn't think I would be having the baby that weekend. Bad mistake :-)
Friday June 24th 2011..I come home to go lay down and try to sleep it off. By noon it still was not going away so I thought I would go try swimming again and see if that would help. My wonderful sis in law Tawnie came with me and brought me snow shack which does wonders for pregnant women in Bakersfield during the summer and we went swimming. I told her my contractions were not going away and she was like go back to the hospital because who knows you could have been progressing but I was like no I don't want to be the first time mom that goes a hundred times and always gets sent home. So finally around 8 that night I had Todd and my brother come over to give me a blessing of comfort that I may be ok and I would know when it was time to go to the hosiptal. So after they left Todd and I were trying to watch TV and sleep on the couch but I was just hurting and so frustrated that I didn't know what was going on. So around 10 that night I just started pacing the house in pain when all of a sudden my WATER BROKE!!! I started freaking out because I was so excited and I was like YES finally I know I can go to the hospital and finally have my baby girl. So I start yelling for Todd to get up and get the car seat in the car because we are having this baby!! Then I had to call my mom at the beach and tell her to turn around and come home because your granddaughter is on her way. After my water broke for some reason I was really calm I actually took a shower and took my time getting ready to leave. By the time I got to the hospital then the contractions really started taking over and I actually had a hard time walking into the emergency room. The great thing about being 9 months pregnant is that right when you walk into the emergency room they take one look at you and put you in a wheelchair and take you up to the maternity section in less than 5 minutes. It was wonderful.

June 25th 2011 So I was in my room all hooked up by midnight and I had Tawnie and Todd in the room with me because my mom was still driving back from the beach. Tawnie was amazing to have in the room because she was such a good coach while Todd was holding my hand. By 2 in the morning I told my nurse I was so ready for my epidural and she got the guy in there in less than 30 min. My nurse was amazing and helped me so much. The epidural was not as bad as I thought it would be and it does wonders to you. I was in heaven when I started to fell the effect of it. By now my mom finally got to the hospital and just in time because I was in a great mood then. By 3 am the nurse came in and told me I was 7 cm dilated..getting closer... 4 am 9 cm dilated...the nurse literally walked out of the room and I told my mom to go get her because I felt the need to start pushing. 4:20 am ready to start pushing and I was so nervous during this time. 5:06 am baby Cali Gail Coleman was here and she was music to my ears!!!

They put her on my chest and I was so in love with this little baby..

First Family Photo

So much more to come...including the super cute pictures that my sis in law Bethany took and her blessing dress

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